Achieving wellness inside and out

My method prioritises practical, gradual and achievable adjustments to your daily routine. Through this approach, we can create a long-lasting positive impact on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Fully Accredited By:

  • "The programme energised my life! Easy to fit into my schedule - always good vibes!"

    Pauline, Singapore

  • "I could see a difference in my posture and this had effects on my mood and my energy."

    Matthieu, Singapore

  • "The habit of waking up to move did me wonders physically and mentally."

    Marta, Seoul

  • "I really loved this mix of expertise and kindness."

    Sophie, Seoul

  • "I thought Pilates was something boring."

    Amandine, Bangkok

  • "You have so much knowledge about what you are doing"

    Mirjia, Seoul

How Can I Help You?

  • Health & Nutrition

    The ideal choice if you want guidance and support in achieving your health goals, whether it is through a personalised plan, exercise routines, or lifestyle modification.

  • Pilates & Movement

    Enhance your well-being at your own pace by enrolling in a range of classes that focus on promoting core strength, flexibility, posture, balance, and overall physical fitness.

  • Positive Intelligence

    Designed to bolster resilience, emotional agility, and peak performance. Navigate challenges with greater ease, fostering a mindset that thrives amid adversity and cultivates lasting inner peace.

Health & Nutrition

Creating a plan that works for you and your lifestyle

With my personalised coaching, I will collaborate with you to create an integrated plan that takes into account your lifestyle habits, incorporating multidimensional nutrition and bio-individuality practices, as well as biohacks to optimise your performance. As a result, you can expect better sleep, an enhanced feeling in your body, among other benefits, and all of this achieved naturally. Recognising this fundamental principle, together, we will develop a simple, feasible, and enduring program that not only moves beyond temporary diet trends but also enables you to attain full-body wellness and realise your maximum potential.

& Movement

Restoring your body strength and balance

I aim to offer more than just a series of exercises; it's a journey to the full restoration of your muscles and mobile joints you once had. Muscle memory and body awareness, as well as the development of new brain connections, will make you feel like you have a new body and a sense of well-being. Thanks to various methods and my years of experience, we'll delve deeply into alignment, control, precision, breath, and flow. Each session is designed for both fitness and rehabilitation, reconnecting you to movement patterns. The benefits extend beyond the mat: you'll experience enhanced performance in other physical activities, injury prevention, and a posture that not only protects you but also exudes confidence. You can choose private classes on Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Spine Corrector, group classes on the mat, or the minimum one should do: a 30-minute wake-up class.

Positive intelligence

Mental fitness mastery: A 6-Week Journey to Resilience and Well-being

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is all about elevating your mental fitness to approach life's challenges with clarity and a constructive mindset. At the heart of PQ are the Saboteurs and the Sage. By enhancing our Sage capabilities and reducing the influence of Saboteurs, we can significantly improve our productivity, happiness, and resilience, shifting from a survival mindset to a learning mindset. Think of it as a new operating system with a range of applications that can be applied to your work life, personal life, and beyond. Embark on a 6-week mental fitness program, complete with a companion phone app that you can keep forever, ensuring continuous guidance and accountability every step of the way. The time commitment is minimal, just 2 minutes per day and 30 minutes per week.